Wednesday, August 6, 2008


It is impossible to learn anything, and thus to relegate any thought, be it in writing or otherwise, without attempting something. Failure and success determine only the tone of an account or inspiration. Or at least such is the case for failure. Success being more often than not a euphemism for either what was thought to be failure or a simulacrum of a fantasy.

. There is only one raison d'etat, one raison de vivre, one excuse and meaning of action in life. This is the source of all compulsion and fear. It is the mother of patience and only true rationale behind all rationalisation, or what today we mistakenly justify as rationality. This, of course, is the overcoming of constraints not entirely of our making. To be more accurate, it is the overcoming of constraints wholly of our making. That and music.
. But let's avoid making too broad generalisations for the time being. Those moments when we recall other times of lessons learned are when we feel both shame and deliverance. When we think back to difficult events, we are weary yet invincible. We are sheepish, for it occurs to us that we had expelled such stupid energy. "How could this have consumed me so?" Much to our dismay. In any case, we look up and smile to any interruption of those thoughts.
. All of this does not, obviously, dismiss hardship. My caution should not be heard as a claim to universality. There is no single pain. There is only the righteousness of the Abyss, the ocean of a flat world. There is no freedom under lock and key, there is only freedom in doorless rooms. The windows of hope should never lead to landscapes that have already been painted. It is only our burden to carry the canvas of existence.

there's only one way to get drunk. tha way is wasted. in caucun. when one is gone, one is gone on another planet. the universe becomes a place inhibited absurdity beyond the abiltity ofo a simgle persone to make sense of. one is unable to express any sense a volleyballesque retention. we become immune to the state of affairs. our selves becomes the ihibition of an entire generation of morons. we cannot helf ourfelves from typing lyping liie illerate idiots ready for nothing else but copulation on ht emmost basic of [primate formulas. it is impossible to make ends meet on ht egrounds of anything but the impossibility of existense. it's as though nothing but the atomic bomb were wre able to determine the fate of humanity. with the slight execption of will power and individual desire for desire existence.

regardless. i digress, for living at such a time of life and time beyond morning is nothing but moring for life. and that is nothing but mourning. god bless the sould of the dead and bless the soul of the deaesead, for the deaqd are dead and the dead are dead. long live the queen and her mother and soul. long live the queen and ther mother of souls. forgive me for the ills i've aided and forgive me fore the movement i've instigated. me life is with you and you are my saviour. thank you and god bless your endeavours. amen.

je t'aime mon amour. que tu puisse me liberer de cette tragedie de brume. que tu puisse me revenir des brume. les osses de mes encetres. veulliez m'atrrendrire de cette hypocrisy. veuiller me pardonner cette mediocrite. merci. et de dieu vous benisse.


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